My book, Sacred Metaphors: Embracing the Myth is the story of how I healed by learning to identify symbolic meanings and metaphor and integrate them into my waking life. Rather than remaining stuck in the wounded places of my body and soul, the recognition of sacred metaphor allowed for symbolic rite of passage. It allowed me to defragment my soul.
In six years I experienced a heart attack, two triple bypasses and two near-death experiences. I had multiple transient ischemic attacks and suffered brain damage. This culminated in a more serious stroke and thus my third near-death experience. I was 43 at the time.
A hole in my heart was discovered which had caused the strokes and the hole was repaired. It was during this time I began to notice how the symbolic relevancy of the physical issues in my life became apparent in the metaphors that manifested in my waking life and in my dream time. In this way, I began to see the Divine in the realm of my own sacred metaphors, and I began embracing the myth of my life!
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Sacred Metaphors: Embracing the Myth
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Book Reviews
"In Sacred Metaphors, Cathy Flinn presents a beautiful story that not only engages the reader but also makes it easy to understand how spirituality can blend with our daily experiences. Cathy presents her teachings to the reader on two different levels of awareness and her story allows us to simultaneously observe not only her physical journey but her spiritual journey as well. I was awed by this book. Cathy's accomplishments in the face of her health challenges are a testament to strength of spirit within her, and I feel she conveys this strength of spirit to the reader throughout her story. Cathy is a gifted storyteller and teacher and through Sacred Metaphors, she brings the gift of hope, awareness and strength to each of her readers."
~Edward Bonapartian, author of Reflections On the Art of Balance
"Cathy Flinn's Sacred Metaphors relays her journey back to healing from serious illnesses of a heart attack and a stroke. Having experienced a near death myself, I found the way in which Cathy describes the soul-enriching experiences of her brushes with death very moving and beautiful. Cathy successfully uses her inner soul voices of Little Acorn and Purple Eyes to show a parallel spiritual dimension to her life in short introductions to each chapter. This effective device helps the reader understand the sacred metaphors that will be surfacing in each chapter's description of her healing on a physical level. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is recovering from a serious life-threatening illness or who has had a near death experience. We all encounter sacred metaphors along the path to healing and Cathy helps us to become more aware of the synchronistic energy that ties these life-changing images together."
~Kari Noren-Hoshal, Evolutionary Astrologer
Cathy Flinn—
Expressions of Spirit